Our Rainbow

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Two Months

Rose is already two months old! She turned 2 months on 3/20/12 and life is busy so I'm just now posting. In addition to caring for Rose, I'm slowly crossing off tasks on my lengthy 'to-do' list. I really miss blogging...I often blog in my head when I don't have time to actually get on the computer. Too bad it can't be translated directly to Blogger from my mind- I would have a BOOK by now. :)

Two Months
Weight: 10.5 lbs
Length: 23 inches
Diaper Size: Size 1 (almost ready for size 2)
Clothing Size: 0-3 months (depending on the brand, some 3 months fits, some is waaay to loose)
Milestones: continues to smile, coos, recognizes my face & often follows me with her eyes when I walk past her, self-soothes using her own hand, scoots herself a couple feet when on her back, lifts neck high during tummy time

Sweet smile, looks like her daddy!
From Our Rainbow
From Our Rainbow
Self-soothing (sucking on her hand)
From Our Rainbow
Tummy time, raising her head waaay up off the floor!
From Our Rainbow
Our little Jane Fonda ;) Love the leg warmers but this girl has no fat on her little legs to hold them up! Ha! She loves to lay like this & kick her feet. Here she is with her elephant, also named Rose. She is growing & soon will dwarf this elephant friend!
From Our Rainbow

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful little girl. She looks a lot like Sofia in the picture at the top of the page :)
